Court of Protection Deputyship Applications

The question of appointing a Deputy only arises when someone loses the mental capacity to make decisions and deal with their own financial and personal affairs. For friends and family, we realise this can be a very sensitive and distressing time.

Paul Crowley & Co Solicitors Limited have an experienced team able to deal with Deputyship Applications to the Court of Protection which is a special Court that deals only with applications to appoint Deputies for those who have lost capacity to manage their own affairs due to age, illness or Personal Injury.

Expert deputyship advice from Paul Crowley & Co Solicitors Limited

Our Private Client Solicitors are experts in dealing with Court of Protection and Deputyship Applications. The Private Client team includes members of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioner’s (STEP), Lifetime Lawyer’s and the Law Society’s Probate section, so we are equipped with a wealth of knowledge and expertise required to handle your loved one’s affairs efficiently and respectfully.

Dealing with an application to the Court of Protection can be a frustrating and lengthy experience; sometimes taking months for an application to be approved. Our specialist Private Client team at Paul Crowley & Co Solicitors Limited can prepare all the paperwork and submit the application for you.

What happens once a deputyship order is granted?

Once a Property and Financial Affairs Deputy Order has been granted, the Deputy has control of the legal and financial assets of the Protected Person and the Deputy must provide a yearly report to the Court of Protection about all decisions made, and keep accurate financial accounts.

It is also possible to apply for a personal welfare Deputyship Order which would enable the Deputy to deal, with for example, negotiations over Health Care Packages for the Protected Person.

Where there are substantial assets to be managed, the Court of Protection may require a professional to act as Deputy rather than a member of the family or a friend. Where appropriate to do so, Paul Crowley & Co Solicitors Limited can arrange for an appropriate professional to act as Deputy.


For a free no obligation chat with one of our Private Client Solicitors call us now on 0151 264 7363 or email us.